Cevelop 1.10.1 Release – 14 Sep 2018

We are pleased to announce the release of Cevelop 1.10.1. This release features an improved version of the Templator Plug-in which now supports variable templates and alias templates. The new Cevelop is based on Eclipse CDT 9.5.2 which comes with improved indexer performance. Additionally, the following bugs in the CUTE plug-in have been fixed:

  • Fixes a null pointer exception that occurred when the CUTE headers were missing
  • Fixes the test-suite templates for C++11 and above

As always, you can download Cevelop 1.10.1 from our Download page. If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know.

— Toni Suter

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Developed within the REPARA project, co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme